Exercise 11 Which of the following prepositions at, in or on can be put before the following words or phrases?

the bus
Christmas Day
the street
the summer of 2012
the Internet
the beach
the radio

Exercise 14
Fill in the correct personal pronouns into the gaps.
This is Henry.
comes from Scotland.
Look at Jack and Susan.
are walking.
What time is it?
is 10 o'clock.
There are two dogs.
are brown and white.
Where is Lisa?
is in town.
How are you?
am fine.
This is a football.
is blue and white.
Where are my glasses?
are on the table.
Here are Doris and me.
are sitting on the wall.
Where am I?
are here.

Almurt Almurt    1   29.01.2021 15:53    1

Pomawkal Pomawkal  29.01.2021 16:00

я сестно говарю но я незнаю


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