Exercise 1. Составьте предложения, используя the Future Continuous Tense.

Sue/to do/homework/at 5 o’clock/tomorrow.

We/to sunbathe/from 9 to 12 o’clock/tomorrow morning.

Nick and Jack/to drive/to Berlin/at this time/next Monday.

You/to have/a conference/from 3 to 5 o’clock/tomorrow.

My cousin/ to practise/in the gym/at 7 o’clock/tomorrow evening.

Nelly and Diana/to rest/in Hawaii/at this time/next week.

We/to dance/at the party/all the evening/tomorrow.

Kate/to visit/ her grandparents/all day/next Saturday.

They/to prepare/ to the wedding party/all next week.

I/to travel/around Canada/for two weeks/next month.​

ЕгорРябцев ЕгорРябцев    1   29.04.2020 15:59    197

Alisa66611 Alisa66611  22.01.2024 17:40
Exercise 1. Составьте предложения, используя Future Continuous Tense.

1. Sue will be doing her homework at 5 o’clock tomorrow. (Сью будет делать домашнюю работу в 5 часов завтра.)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the future continuous tense to talk about an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future. "Sue" is the subject, "will be doing" is the future continuous tense, and "her homework" is the action she will be doing.

2. We will be sunbathing from 9 to 12 o’clock tomorrow morning. (Мы будем загорать с 9 до 12 часов завтра утром.)
Explanation: Here, we use the future continuous tense to talk about an action that will be happening continuously during a specific time in the future. "We" is the subject, "will be sunbathing" is the future continuous tense, and "from 9 to 12 o’clock tomorrow morning" is the specific time.

3. Nick and Jack will be driving to Berlin at this time next Monday. (Ник и Джек будут ехать в Берлин в это же время на следующий понедельник.)
Explanation: In this sentence, the future continuous tense is used to talk about an action that will be happening at a specific time in the future. "Nick and Jack" is the subject, "will be driving" is the future continuous tense, and "to Berlin at this time next Monday" is the specific time.

4. You will be having a conference from 3 to 5 o’clock tomorrow. (Ты будешь проводить конференцию с 3 до 5 часов завтра.)
Explanation: "You" is the subject, "will be having" is the future continuous tense, and "a conference from 3 to 5 o’clock tomorrow" is the specific time for the conference.

5. My cousin will be practicing in the gym at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening. (Мой двоюродный брат будет тренироваться в спортзале в 7 часов завтра вечером.)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the future continuous tense to talk about an action that will be happening at a specific time in the future. "My cousin" is the subject, "will be practicing" is the future continuous tense, and "in the gym at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening" is the specific time.

6. Nelly and Diana will be resting in Hawaii at this time next week. (Нелли и Диана будут отдыхать на Гаваях в это же время на следующей неделе.)
Explanation: Here, we use the future continuous tense to talk about an action that will be happening at a specific time in the future. "Nelly and Diana" is the subject, "will be resting" is the future continuous tense, and "in Hawaii at this time next week" is the specific time.

7. We will be dancing at the party all evening tomorrow. (Мы будем танцевать на вечеринке весь вечер завтра.)
Explanation: In this sentence, the future continuous tense is used to talk about an action that will be happening continuously during a specific time in the future. "We" is the subject, "will be dancing" is the future continuous tense, and "at the party all evening tomorrow" is the specific time.

8. Kate will be visiting her grandparents all day next Saturday. (Кейт будет навещать своих бабушку и дедушку весь день следующую субботу.)
Explanation: "Kate" is the subject, "will be visiting" is the future continuous tense, and "her grandparents all day next Saturday" is the specific time for the visit.

9. They will be preparing for the wedding party all next week. (Они будут готовиться к свадебной вечеринке всю следующую неделю.)
Explanation: In this sentence, we use the future continuous tense to talk about an action that will be happening continuously during a specific time in the future. "They" is the subject, "will be preparing" is the future continuous tense, and "for the wedding party all next week" is the specific time.

10. I will be traveling around Canada for two weeks next month. (Я буду путешествовать по Канаде две недели в следующем месяце.)
Explanation: Here, we use the future continuous tense to talk about an action that will be happening continuously during a specific time in the future. "I" is the subject, "will be traveling" is the future continuous tense, and "around Canada for two weeks next month" is the specific time.
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