Exercise 1. Look at the photos. What are the teenagers doing on the boat? What kind of trip is it? Vocabulary

An exact copy

A taste of


Take it in turns

Keep watch


Cool stuff

Exercise 2. Read the online advertisement and check your answers.

Exercise 3. Read the advertisement again. What does each of the numbers in the box refer to?


Two or three hundred: The Stavros is an exact copy of the ships that pirates sailed two or three hundred years ago.

Thousands: Every year thousands of young people get their first taste of the sea.

30: The mast is 30 meters tall.

70 and 200: The Stavros is a 200ft (70 metre) sailing ship.

40: Sandra is on the ship with 40 other young sailors.

15: Emma is 15 years old.

Exercise 4. Match these words and phrases from the advertisement with the definitions below.


1.keep watch

2.a taste of

3.an exact copy

4.cool stuff

5.take it in turns



businkakiss businkakiss    2   17.11.2020 08:02    1

nikonorowakate nikonorowakate  17.12.2020 08:03

lucky me you now!! lucky

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