Exercise 1. complete each sentence with the most suitable word. 1. shall we have ice-cream for dessert? a. any b. some c. a few 2. i’d like mineral water. i’m terribly thirsty. a. some b. any c. no 3. put cheddar cheese in the omelette. it will add some flavour. a. some b. any c. little 4. i
don’t want help! i’ll do everything myself. a. some b. any c. no 5. do we have food left from yesterday’s party? i’m terribly hungry. a. some b. any c. no 6. gina has bought rolls for breakfast. a. some b. many c. no 7. would you like wine to start with, sir? a. some b. any c. a few 8. we did
not find sour cream in the fridge. a. some b. any c. no 9. there weren’t people in the street when the accident happened. a. some b. any c. no 10. can i have a beer from your fridge? – yes, of course. take you like. a. some b. any c. no 11. mrs. ripley is going on holiday with friends in
august. a. some b. any c. a 12. i’m sure he doesn’t have evidence for his accusations. a. any b. an c. some 13. there is seldom world news in the daily star. a. some b. any `c. no 14. there was never question that eleanor rigby will return home. a. some b. no c. any 15. of the money collected
will go to helping children with heart disease. a. any b. no c. some 16. if you have old books that you don’t want you can bring them into school. a. any b. many c. some 17. we have bought a lot of things today. there is hardly money left. a. no b. some c. any 18. if you have questions, i’ll be
pleased to answer them. a. some b. few c. any 19. i’m too tired to write letters tonight. let’s do it tomorrow. a. any b. some c. no 20. wasn’t there problem about you work? i remember you telling me about it. a. any b. some c. many

boykorostik boykorostik    2   08.10.2019 13:00    4

jodydonig jodydonig  10.10.2020 04:14
1 some

2 some

3 some

4 any

5 some

6 many

7 some

8 some

9 any

10 any

11 a

12 an

13 any

14 any

15 some

16 many

17 any?

18 any

19 any?

20 many

Я не везде уверен , но правило в том , что где не можешь посчитать ,там some , few если можешь , то any , many
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