Exercise 1.3. Complete the sentences using the speech patterns in brackets below.

(as well as; whether or not; whether … or not; when; while; such that;
it is/was … that/who; of what; on what; that is)

1. I don’t know … I like it … because I haven’t tried it before. 2. …
my question … made him angry. 3. The air traffic service unit should
provide the flight crew with any information requested … any
additional relevant information. 4. … making a conscious effort to
memorize something, many people engage in ‘rote rehearsal’ repeating
it over and over again. 5. Discrete optimization aims at taking
decisions … a given function is maximized (for example revenue) or
minimized (for example cost). 6. A scratchcard is a ticket that reveals
… the holder is eligible for a prize when the surface is removed by
scratching. 7. … congratulating ourselves on what has been
accomplished over the last twenty years, we should remember
gratefully the services of many people. 8. Qualcomm, a company in
San Diego, recently introduced Snapdragon, a chip created for
smartphones … for ultralight computers. 9. Computer programming is
issuing a sequence of commands to a computer to achieve an
objective, … to make a computer perform calculations on numerical
data. 10. Petroleum products come from one source – crude oil found
below the earth’s surface … under large bodies of water. 11. The
architect believed that buildings are most interesting … still
unfinished. 12. He was known for his ill temper … everyone disliked
him. 13. It depends … you want. 14. … he/him … has done it. 15.
Compilers are not designed to provide cryptographic protection for
source code … decompilers to defeat the obfuscators. 16.
Possession refers to the physical control or occupancy of land,
property, etc. … accompanied by ownership. 17. Many people today
telecommunicate – …, use their computers to stay in touch with the


office … working at home. 18. The contractors that renovated the
building left the original concrete floors … installing industrial-
looking steel walls. 19. … John von Neumann … put forward the idea
of a stored-program computer. 20. Waste is anything rejected as
useless, worthless, or in excess … is required. 21. The natural numbers
are closed with respect to addition and multiplication – …, the sum
and product of two natural numbers are always natural numbers.
22. The article deals with some problems of fault-tolerant software
development … with the ways of their solution. 23. … a silly fish … is
caught twice with the same bait. 24. You’ll find these gloves quite
handy … working in the garden. 25. Hummingbirds are the only birds
capable of flying backwards … forward, up and down.

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