The Kremlin was founded (Past Simple Passive Voice; былоснован)in the year Moscow began.

2. Из текста на с.2 выписать предложения, в которых есть сказуемые в Страдательном залоге (Passive

Princessa51 Princessa51    3   26.05.2020 07:37    12

Iamboss11111 Iamboss11111  24.08.2020 21:55

1. The Kremlin was founded (Past Simple Passive; был основан) in the year Moscow began.

2. It was started (Past Simple Passive; был начат) as a fortress but later beautiful palaces were built (Past Simple Passive; были построены) in the Kremlin.

3. The Kremlin was destroyed (Past Simple Passive; был разрушен) and restored (Past Simple Passive; был восстановлен many times.

4. Moscow is often called (Present Simple Passive; называют) "belokamennaya" or "white-stone".

5. It comes from the times of Prince Dmitriy Donskoy in 1367-1368 when white-stone walls and towers of the Kremlin were built (Past Simple Passive; были построены).

6. In 1485-1495 the Kremlin was rebuilt (Past Simple Passive; был перестроен) and it got its famous red walls and towers.