Ex. 6. (В, C) Replace the words in italics by an object + infinitive construction.
Model: Members of the Government itself acknowledge that many of their predictions were over-optimistic.
Members of the Government itself acknowledge many of their predictions to have been over-optimistic.
1.The Court declared that the book was obscene (непристойный).
2.Teachers have found that the overhead projector is invaluable as a teaching aid.
3.The majority of critics thought that the film was highly original.
4.Many of the audience considered that the speaker had overstated his case.
5.Evidence showed that the man’s alibi was a complete fabrication.
Evidence showed the man’s alibi to have been a complete fabrication.
6.The architect’s clients had assumed that the construction of such a building was impracticable, whereas the architect himself believed that it was perfectly feasible (осуществимый).
7.At a very early age, Paderewski revealed that he was a master of the keyboard.
8.Everyone knew that he was a man of integrity.
9. Detectives investigating the robbery discovered that 20,000 worth of precious stones were missing.

Nastyarainb Nastyarainb    2   20.03.2021 11:42    21

KateKein KateKein  19.04.2021 11:44
1.The Court declared the book to be obscene.
2.Teachers have found the overhead projector to be invaluable as a teaching aid.
3.The majority of critics thought the film to be highly original.
4.Many of the audience considered the speaker to have overstated his case.
5.Evidence showed the man’s alibi to have been a complete fabrication.
6.The architect’s clients had assumed the construction of such a building to have been impracticable, whereas the architect himself believed it to have been perfectly feasible.
7.At a very early age, Paderewski revealed himself to be a master of the keyboard.
8.Everyone knew him to be a man of integrity.
9. Detectives investigating the robbery discovered 20,000 worth of precious stones to be missing.
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