Ex. 54. Match the phrasal verbs 1–10 with the correct definitions A–J. 1. Could you, please, call in on the way to work and see how she is?
2. She is on her way somewhere and so, passing through Meryton, I thought she might as well call on you.
3. He called at a shop on the way home and bought some flowers for her.
4. The film starts at 7, so I’ll call for you at 6.30.
5. I’m calling on everyone of you to do your bit! We need all the help we can get.
6. Could you call in the next interviewee, please?
7. The meeting was called off due to lack of support.
8. The situation called for drastic measures.
9. Could you call last year’s sales figures up for me?
10. As the crisis deepened the ambassador was called off.
a. to cancel
b. to appeal to someone to do something
c. to make a short visit
d. to visit someone
e. to visit a place, to stop somewhere
f. to visit a place with the intention of collecting someone or something
g. ask to come
h. require, demand
i. to find and show (information) on a computer screen
j. to cause (someone or an animal) to keep away