Ex. 50. Revise Complex Object. A) Translate the following sentences. Underline the Complex Object Construction in the English sentences.
(Перевести следующие предложения. Подчеркнуть построение комплексного объекта на английском языке)

1. I know them to respect their parents’ opinion. - Я знаю, что они уважают мнение своих родителей.
2. Do you know me to have taken part in that international conference? - Вы знаете, что я принимал участие в этой международной конференции?
3. Do you want him to book the hotel room? - Вы хотите, чтобы он забронировал номер в отеле?
4. She wanted Mr. Brown to be invited to her daughter’s wedding. - Она хотела, чтобы мистер Браун был приглашен на свадьбу ее дочери.
5. Could we suppose her to create such wonderful things soon?! - Можем ли мы предположить, что она вскоре создаст такие замечательные вещи?!

B) Transform the sentences according to the model:
I expect that she will send me a letter. I expect her to send me a letter. I know that he is a great scientist. I know him to be a great scientist. (Инструкция: опускаем союз that, ставим местоимение в форму объектного падежа, упрощаем сказуемое в любой видовременной форме до исходной формы инфинитива. Будьте внимательны с неправильными глаголами.)

1. I know that my friend is a just man.
Пример: I know that my friend is a just man. – I know (опускаем that) my friend (is приводим к форме инфинитива) to be a just man. -> I know my friend to be a just man.
2. I expect that he will understand your problem and help you to solve it.
3. I expected that she would behave quite differently.
4. I did not expect that my brother would forget to send her flowers.
5. He knows that my mother is a very kind woman.
6. She expected that her brother would bring her the book.
7. I know that your uncle is an excellent mathematician.
8. People expect that the 21st century will bring peace on the Earth.


Tumka2003 Tumka2003    3   04.04.2020 14:21    13

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