Ex. 5-6-7-8
Choose the correct item.
1 Ted uploaded/downloaded/engaged a
photograph from his camera onto the Internet.
2 Jane added/installed/turned a new computer
game onto her computer.
3 Now you need to dial/click/enter your password.
4 Ken set/held/posted a comment saying how
much he liked the video.
5 Why is he crossing/clenching/biting his nails?

Загадочник12 Загадочник12    3   04.05.2020 15:24    6

паша573 паша573  14.10.2020 06:51

Exercise 5

1. Uploaded

2. Installed

3. Enter

4. Set

5. Biting

Exercise 6

1. On



4. With

5. On

Exercise 7


2. Had to

3. Must

4. A bit of

5. Can't

6. Wasn't able to

7. Need to

8. Anywhere

9. May

10. Any

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