Ex. 3. Define the function of Participle I. \. The returning troops marched up Fifth Avenue. (F. F.) 2. It was a pleasant room overlooking the garden with French windows that opened on it. (A. Chr.) 3. And isn't it always alarming — one's first contact with the natives? (P. W.) 4. Ashenden, standing in front of the fire to warm himself, a cigarette between his lips, made no reply. (S. M.) 5. "Sit down, sit down," she said, waving her hand towards one of the couches. (D. Rob.) 6. Using a direct outside line, Mel dialed his home number. (A. H.) 7. Turning to his sister, he grasped her hand and said in a tone of command: "Well, Juley." (Galsw.) 8. It was a small oil painting representing a pale pink house standing adjacent to a canal... .(A. Chr.) 9. Coming out of the dining-room, we met the other day nurses coming in for the ordinary breakfast. (M. D.) 10. There were fleecy white clouds, hovering above Table Mountain, and nestling on the slopes below, right down the sea was the sleeping town gilded... by the morning sunlight. (A. Chr.) 11. Being an actress, she was able to make her point. (A. Chr.) 12. I put on my hat and went out intending to buy a few souvenirs. 13. He sat for a long time watching the flames leap up into the darkness. (Cus.) 14. From it you locked down on the big waves lashing against the black rocks. (A. Chr.) 15. Desolate, he stood in front of the automobile gate with a crowd of staring children, feeling that he had reached the end at last. (F. F.) 16. In this instance my attention wandered to the four people sitting at the next table. (A. Chr.) 17. But this morning he viewed it (his medal) less with pride than with a queer secret entreaty as though trying to restore his condifence in himself. (Cron.)

Kola2004kola Kola2004kola    1   23.05.2021 18:13    14

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