Ex. 24 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple. 1. When you (finish) work? 2. What time Andrea usually (to get) up? 3.
When she (to catch) the bus? 4. She (to take) a shower in the morning? 5.
She (to go, home for lunch? 6. When she (to go) swimming? 7. How she (to
get) to the pool? 8. What she (to do) on Saturday evenings?

Danielllllllll Danielllllllll    3   10.06.2021 17:58    1

девчонка1999 девчонка1999  10.07.2021 19:02

1. When do You finish work?

2.  What time does Andrea usually get up?

3. When does She catch the bus?

4. Does She take a shower in the morning?

5. Does She go home for lunch?

6. When does She go swimming?

7. How does She get to the pool?

8. What does She do on Saturday evenings?


в обычных предложениях Present Simple к глаголам стоящим вместе с He\She\It добавляется -s.

В вопросительных, эта -s уходит к вс глаголу Do, и он превращается в Does. (он ставится на первое место)


Kate reads books.

Does Kate read books?


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