Ex. 2 исправь ошибки 1. it is snow now. 2. 3. who have got a new game? 4. why do these boys standing now? 5. he speak english very' good. 6. —who likes the music? - my friends like. 7. there is any juice in the glass. 8. have she got the large family? 9. there are bookcase in the classroom. 10.1 likes these citys. 11. where do they go yesterday? 12. there will a new church in these ton next year 13. is there much people in the street? 15. the to be in the kitchen ex. 3 задайте вопросы к предложениям: 1. не bought a ticket five days ago. 2. they play temiis after school. 3. she is watching tv in the living room. 4. there are five rooms in the house. 5. we can jump very high.

terentevvadim33 terentevvadim33    2   02.10.2019 14:00    2

rhenfzj rhenfzj  10.09.2020 22:53

3. Has

4. are вместо do

5. speaks

6. Friend ( ед. ч.)

7. are вместо is

8. Has

9. is а не are

10. cities

11. did

12. There`s will be a new church in these ton (town) next year

13. Are


в первом нет ошибок

jeviduwel jeviduwel  10.09.2020 22:53
Тебе уже все решили, но все- таки, в первом надо snowing a не snow
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