Ex:1Match the words in the box with the sentences. history PE music chess maths ICT exam break

1.Tom’s playing with the white pieces and Karen with the black.

2.We’re studying the 15th century this year.

3.We go to the computer room for this class.

4.Do girls play football in your school?

5.We have twenty minutes in the morning.

6.What’s 13 x 95?

7.The questions are always very difficult.

8.I play the guitar and the piano​

tashkaostrovska tashkaostrovska    2   28.01.2021 14:49    11

Gelag Gelag  28.01.2021 14:50

1 chess

2 history

3 Информатика

4 Физкультура

5 break

6 math

7 exam

8 music

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