Ex. 11. fill in the articles where necessary.
1. tom learns english and chemistry. 2. books on table
re for english class. 3. no one in english class knew
answer to my question. 4. on our trip to usa we crossed atlantic
ocean. 7. i can't go to cinema tonight, because i am on guard duty. 10.
unowledge is power. 11. little john sat down on the bottom step and nod-
ded. 12. coffee is produced in brazil.​

Sasha2280865 Sasha2280865    2   10.09.2019 10:15    3

Shagovikova08 Shagovikova08  07.10.2020 05:05

1. Tom learns - English and - Chemistry. 2. The big- books on the table are for my - English - class. 3. No one in the English - class knew a correct - answer to - my - question. 4. On our - trip to the USA we crossed the Atlantic Ocean. 7. I can't go to the cinema tonight, because I am on - guard duty. 10. -

knowledge is - power. 11. - little John sat down on the bottom step and nodded. 12. - coffee is produced in Brazil.


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