Ex. 1. Заменить подчеркнутые существительные правильными

1. John, give the book to Henry. 2. Tell the students the answer. 3. My sister

and I have got a room of our own. 4. Alec and Mary are engineers by

profession. 5. Jane, buy a magazine for Granny. 6. Kate, read this story

to Mary and me, please. 7. Tom has got no nephews and nieces. 8. His wife is

not in Moscow now. 9. Peter, bring flowers for your mother. 10. Send the

letter to your parents.

Ex. 2. Выбрать нужную форму местоимения в скобках:

1. – Whose bag is this? Is it (your, yours) book or his? – It's (her, hers). 2.

(Mine, my) task is easier than (your, yours). 3. Look at those people. They are

(our, ours) friends. 4. It is not (their, theirs) house. (Their, theirs) is bigger. 5.

(Your, yours) problem is (my, mine) problem. 6. Are (your, yours) hands

warm? (Mine, my) are quite cold. 7. Can we use (your, yours) telephone?

(Our, ours) is out of order. 8. Is this money (him, his) or (her, hers)? 9. Meet

Mr. Bean. He is a friend of (our, ours). 10. We look after (their, theirs)

children and they look after (our, ours). 11. Will you check (my, mine) paper

and I will check (your, yours) test? 12. Now we are going to open (our, ours)

presents, and then we will look at (their, theirs).

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