Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты. Синдром иммунодефицита, защитный механизм организма, выглядеть и чувствовать себя здоровым, основной риск заболевания, биологические жидкости, обмениваться иглами, инфицировать ребенка, анализ крови, рукопожатие.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
The body’s natural defence mechanism, an illness that can kill, symptoms of AIDS, a sufferer, to get infected with the Aids virus, the blood of all infected persons, sharing needles, to infect her unborn baby, when breast-feeding, shaking hands.
Ex.3 Answer the questions.ответьте на вопросы.​
1. What is the main risk of Aids?
2. What important facts should we know about Aids?
3. What should we do to protect ourselves from Aids?
4. Can we get the Aids virus by shaking hands, sharing food, swimming in a pool?
5. Can we get the Aids virus through the air?

Полина9111111 Полина9111111    1   24.03.2021 15:10    122

Legendary13 Legendary13  26.01.2024 12:24
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

- Синдром иммунодефицита - AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
- защитный механизм организма - body’s natural defence mechanism
- выглядеть и чувствовать себя здоровым - to look and feel healthy
- основной риск заболевания - main risk of infection
- биологические жидкости - bodily fluids
- обмениваться иглами - to share needles
- инфицировать ребенка - to infect a child
- анализ крови - blood test
- рукопожатие - handshake

Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

- The body’s natural defence mechanism - защитный механизм организма
- An illness that can kill - болезнь, которая может убить
- Symptoms of AIDS - симптомы СПИДа
- A sufferer - больной, страдающий
- To get infected with the Aids virus - заразиться вирусом иммунодефицита
- The blood of all infected persons - кровь всех зараженных лиц
- Sharing needles - обмен иглами
- To infect her unborn baby - заразить своего нерожденного ребенка
- When breast-feeding - во время кормления грудью
- Shaking hands - рукопожатие

Ex.3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is the main risk of AIDS?
The main risk of AIDS is getting infected with the HIV virus, which weakens the immune system and makes a person more susceptible to other infections and diseases.

2. What important facts should we know about AIDS?
Some important facts about AIDS include: it is caused by the HIV virus, it can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing needles, and from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth or breastfeeding. It is important to know the symptoms of AIDS and to get tested if there is a possibility of infection.

3. What should we do to protect ourselves from AIDS?
To protect ourselves from AIDS, we should practice safe sex by using condoms, avoid sharing needles, and get tested regularly if we engage in high-risk behaviors. It is also important to be informed about the transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS and to educate others.

4. Can we get the AIDS virus by shaking hands, sharing food, swimming in a pool?
No, we cannot get the AIDS virus by shaking hands, sharing food, or swimming in a pool. HIV is not transmitted through casual contact or through the water in a pool. It is primarily transmitted through specific bodily fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk.

5. Can we get the AIDS virus through the air?
No, we cannot get the AIDS virus through the air. HIV is not an airborne virus and cannot be transmitted through respiratory droplets like the common cold or flu. It requires direct contact with infected bodily fluids to transmit the virus.
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