Everyday food in an industrialized society relies not only on agriculture, horticulture and fishine but also on efficient food prоcessing. Since the origin of civilization man has always processed food. and thebasic purposes of food processing have remained unchanged. The first purpose is the conversion of agricultural produce into palatable attractive, digestible and safe foods. The second purpose is the preservation of foods for availability out of season, and for transportation to areas distant from agricultural producers. Now quality, safety and stability are in the foreground, the improvement of taste, appearance and nutritive value being also of great importance. A wider range of attractive food products has become affordable through advances in food science, food technology and food process engineering together with the development of a wide range of highly efficient processing equipment and new synthetic materials. Many traditional processes have now been replaced by automated production methods and a lot of modern process control systems have been introduced. Food process engineering is concerned, on the one hand, with the mechanical and physical operations involved in food processing and on the other hand-with machines and equipment in which physical, chemical and biological conversions in food materials are performedduring processing Food science involves the study of all aspects of science related to food, food chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology being the most important ones. An understanding of the chemical natureе and properties of food is essential if one is to achieve an understanding of the composition of food and the reactions which take placeе during its storage and processing. The biological changes occurring in the industrial processing of food are also of great importance. They must be carefully considered and analyzed in addition to the chemical and physical changes. Microbiology is the study of microorganisms. Some species of microorganisms are beneficial and used extensively in food production. Other types are responsible for many undesirable effects in food, such as spoilage and poisoning. A knowledge of the nature of microorganisms, their growth requirements and how the growth canbe prevented is necessary if one wants to understand the principles involved in the various methods of food preservation. Consequently, a food technologist must have a broad knowledge of scientific and engineering principles. He must be acquainted with the composition of food, its chemical nature, physical, chemical and biological changes, occurring in food, and also with basic equipment, operations and processes involved in the manufacture of any particular processed food Составить 5 вопрос по тексту очень надо ​

dva4evskaja201p08ub4 dva4evskaja201p08ub4    3   15.02.2021 19:14    22

гулинахабирова гулинахабирова  18.01.2024 06:27
1. Каковы основные цели обработки пищи в промышленном обществе?
2. Какие преимущества привносят в процесс обработки пищи достижения в области науки, технологий и инженерии пищевых процессов?
3. Чем занимаются процессы обработки пищи и какие процессы включает в себя инженерия пищевых процессов?
4. Какие аспекты науки их химии питания следует изучать, чтобы понимать изменения, происходящие с пищей при ее хранении и обработке?
5. Почему знание о микроорганизмах, их ростовых требованиях и методах предотвращения их размножения является необходимым для разработки принципов различных методов консервирования пищи?
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