Everybody knows that it's important to exercise and stay in shape, but in reality, a lot of people find A) ……….. . If you don't enjoy exercising, then it's a lot more difficult to motivate yourself to get up and get moving! So, personal trainers from around the world have been working on new ways B)…….. . Let's take a look at some of the new, 'fun fitness' trends for people to try. Rebounding' isn't really a new type of exercise. In fact, it's an old way of exercising from the 80s and 90s C) ………. . Rebounding is simply bouncing up and down on a trampoline. Its fans say that the jumping motion is a good workout for all your muscles, it's gentle on your joints, D)……….. .Do you remember running around the playground with your friends when you were little? Well, you might not have realised it, but that was great exercise! A new group called, 'Rabble' is trying to get adults interested in exercise by E) ……… like tag and capture the flag. They think that people will be so busy enjoying themselves that they won't focus on being tired or bored anymore. It's a great idea that is becoming F) ……… . 1. encouraging them to play children's games
2. that is making a comeback
3. going to the gym several times a week is quite addictive
4. running on the treadmill or lifting weights is too boring
5. to make exercise more fun for everyone involved
6. more and more popular as people try to recapture the fun of their youth
7. and it does wonders for your circulatory system

макс3109 макс3109    3   08.12.2020 07:16    30

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