Это важно! 1 he left the teaching in 1965 to set up his own business. professionalism profession professionally professional 2 what makes managers give their high salary, company car and pension, and risk everything in order to set on their own? at, with for, on up, up in, of 3 she was
the first woman to politics. succeed success successful 4 the democratic countries expect their citizens to participate governing the country. to with for on of at in 5 one way to increase your at work is to take 10 minute breaks whenever you feel too stressed and tired. unproductive
productivity productive producer products produces 6 when their business is entrepreneurs earn profits. unsuccessful succeed successful 7 the commission has the responsibility evaluating the labour needs of the country. at in into on to of with for 8 these were not satisfied with the
working conditions. self-employed employees employer employment 9 centrally-planned economies are generally associated communist governments. on of in to at with for into 10 there are a number of reasons the existence of government involvement business and industrial activities. for, in
for, at with, of to, into in, on 11 the treasury is responsible overall financial and economic policy. in for into of on at to with 12 when you own a company, you are personally interested in running it efficiency efficient efficiently 13 the company is not as now as it was 5 years ago.
produce producer production productive products productivity 14 the price of goods and service depends its demand and supply. of on with into for at to in 15 he spent all the money he had won new clothes. with on for from 16 planning was used as a way of responding the economic
difficulties. into for on at of to in with 17 japan has one of the most successful in asia. economies economically economics economize economist economical 18 capital can be divided two categories. with for on to of into at 19 the demand products depends people's ability to pay for them.
on, at in, to of, into for, on 20 the countries of the far east was in a crisis some years ago. economical economy economize economists economic economics

drakula13055 drakula13055    1   08.10.2019 21:10    5

KATIAqwerty KATIAqwerty  10.10.2020 05:17

1 3

2 3 (не точно)

3 1

4 in

5 2

6 3

7 for

8 2

9 with

10 for, либо in либо at

11 for

12 3

13 productive

14 on

15 on

16 не знаю

17 3

18 вроде to

19 for on

20 economics

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