это сор Transcript for listening task.
Randall: Now what kinds of things do you take to school?
Joshua: I take my taisofuku, that is gym clothes, and I take my backpack and my books [ Oh,
okay. ] and stuff like that.
Randall: Okay and what is the first thing you do when you get to school?
Joshua: We do "kiritsu, rei."
Randall: "Kiritsu" and "rei." Now what are those?
Joshua: It means "stand up, bow."
Randall: Stand up and bow.
Joshua: Uh-huh.
Randall: And what do you study at school?
Joshua: We study kokugo, that is writing and reading and stuff like that [ Okay ], and sansu,
that's math. [ Okay. ]. And, let's see . . . , we do gym too.
Randall: Okay, and where do you eat lunch? Do you have a lunchroom or cafeteria?
Joshua: No, we eat in our classroom.
Randall: You eat in your classroom! [ Yeah. ]. Oh, wow. That is very interesting. Now what time
do you come home from school?
Joshua: We come home sometimes at 3:00 and sometimes at 2:00.
Randall: Okay, well thank you very much Joshua.
Joshua: You're welcome.

бjulfyн бjulfyн    3   16.10.2020 04:46    18

mariadenisovna mariadenisovna  16.10.2020 06:01

ответ:и где ответ?!


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