ЭТО СОЧ Choose the correct answers. 1. Kanat ___ speak three languages by the time he was seven.

a) can b) is able to c)was able to

2. You___call her now.

A) could b)can c) are able to

3. I saw a really ___ science-fiction film last night.

A) excite b)excited c)exciting

4. Aidar ran ___ across the park.

a) quick b) quicker c)quickly

5.I find Mr Green’s Science lessons very___

a) bored b)bore c)boring

6. He’s got a(n)video game.

a) exciting new Japanese

b) new Japanese exciting

c) Japanese new exciting

7. My CDs are in that __ box.

a) brown big wooden

b) big brown wooden

c) wooden brown big

Ladinikit Ladinikit    3   28.10.2020 09:28    10

lolmrminilotr lolmrminilotr  27.11.2020 09:28

1-c 2-b 3-b 4-a 5-c 6-b 7-b


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