Это present continuous помагите

Это present continuous помагите

Метеор73 Метеор73    3   14.11.2020 08:41    5

tugatimu9876 tugatimu9876  14.12.2020 08:44

I'm wearing a pretty red and blue dress with yellow flowers now. (На мне надето красивое красно-синее платье с желтыми цветами)) 2)No, my teacher isn't talking right now. 3) I'm sitting on the chair. 4)I don't listening to music now. 5)Nice weather today.

elizaveta871 elizaveta871  14.12.2020 08:44

I'm wearing a blue T-shirt and red trousers now.

My parents are watching TV right now.

Yes, he is. My teacher is talking now.

I'm sitting in the living room now.

Yes, I am. I'm listening to music now.

Yes, It is. It is raining today.


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