Это легко, просто текста много 1)Complete the reported speech.
‘The police have taken fingerprints from every man in the area.’
James said that the police fingerprints from every man in the area.
had taken
2) Complete the reported speech.
‘We can identify the victim using CCTV.'
The detectives said that the victim using CCTV.
we can identify
they could identify
3)Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
Companies use aluminium to make bicycles these days because it is lighter than other metals.
Aluminium ……
is used to make bicycles these days because it is lighter than other metals.
are used to make bicycles these days because it is lighter than other metals.
4)Complete the reported speech.
‘I heard a loud scream just after midnight.’
Maya said that a loud scream just after midnight.
she heard
she had heard
5)Complete the reported speech.
‘On Monday, we went to the shops at the usual time.’
Mr and Mrs Smith said that, on Monday, to the shops at the usual time.
they had been
them had