Это фантастический боевик.фильм был создан люком бессоном в две тысячи четырнадцатом году(пассивн. о девушке по имени люси. приятель предложил ей заработать. условие: она должна была перевезти наркотик(пасс. который вшили в живот. случилось так, что пакет порвался. ее мозг начал стремительно
развиваться.чем дальше, тем сильнее и лучше она становится. она делилась своими знаниями с учеными. в конце фильма, когда мозг люси развился до 100%, она исчезла. люси стала частью вселенной, она была повсюду. фильм был основан на мифе о 10% используемых человеческим мозгом.(пасс.зал.)

kostas2018 kostas2018    1   07.10.2019 16:50    1

sanydrr1 sanydrr1  07.10.2019 16:50

lucy is a fantastic action movie. the film was created by luc besson in two thousand and fourteenth year (passive

the story of a girl named lucy. a friend offered her money. condition: she had to transport the drug (pass. hall), which was sewn into the stomach. it so happened that the
package broke. her brain began to evolve rapidly. the further, the stronger and better it becomes. she shared her knowledge with scientists. at the end of the film, when lucy's brain developed to 100%, it disappeared. lucy became part of the universe, she was everywhere. the film was based on the
myth of 10% used by the human brain. (pass. hall)

oksanademyanov oksanademyanov  07.10.2019 16:50

lucy is a fantastic action movie. the film was created by luc besson in two thousand and fourteenth year (passive

the story of a girl named lucy. a friend offered her money. condition: she had to transport the drug (pass. hall), which was sewn into the stomach. it so happened that the
package broke. her brain began to evolve rapidly. the further, the stronger and better it becomes. she shared her knowledge with scientists. at the end of the film, when lucy's brain developed to 100%, it disappeared. lucy became part of the universe, she was everywhere. the film was based on the
myth of 10% used by the human brain. (pass. hall)

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