Есть тут отличники по инглишу? хелп! identify the function of the infinitive. 1) the technique of collecting information will differ accor¬ding to the problem to be solved. 2) this is not an opportunity to be thrown away. 3) an interesting distinction to be made here is between problems and techniques. 4) another factor to be taken into consideration is the power of modern experimental tech¬niques. 5) the problem to be investigated involves analysing the phenomenon of memory. 6) the apparatus to be assembled is very complicated.

iakatya iakatya    2   08.08.2019 06:50    0

Maxutka007 Maxutka007  04.10.2020 04:30
Ну в этом случае я могу сказать что этот инфинитив оборотный,то есть опр функцию,

как училка обьяснила так я и передала
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