Эссе на тему: «места, которые я хотел бы посетить в лондоне»

viktoria123987650 viktoria123987650    1   04.10.2019 14:20    4

NEADgff NEADgff  09.10.2020 19:48

Places in London that I would like to visit

When we learn English, we all read texts about the United Kingdom and London. I have read about all the famous sights of London and now my dream is to go there in order to see them with my own eyes.

My list of the sights is quite long and I would like to visit all of them, but I know it could take me weeks, so I have made a list of the top ten London landmarks. First of all, I would go to Buckingham Palace, which is the Queen's home, and I will try to get there just in time to see the Changing of the Guard. I know that if I get to London in August or September, I will have a chance to see the rooms of the palace.

From Buckingham Palace I would go down the Mall to Trafalgar Square passing through Admiralty Arch that was built as a memorial to Queen Victoria. I want to see Nelson's Column that is located in the centre of Trafalgar Square and then I would visit the National Gallery which is said to house one of the greatest collections of European paintings in the world.

The next landmark on my list is the London Eye by the River Thames. This ferris wheel is one of the most popular attractions for visitors because it gives great views over the city. After that I would walk over Westminster Bridge to Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. From there I would go to Westminster Abbey, the setting for coronations, funerals and marriages. It is the place where tourists can see graves and memorials of Isaac Newton, Robert Burns, Charles Darwin and many other great writers and scientists.

I would definitely go to explore the Tower with all its exhibitions and I would  take a selfie with a Yeoman Guard, or Beefeater.

These are just a few places that I would like to visit in London. I am sure that this experience would be a trip of a lifetime for me.

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