Если получу 4 за правильный ответ 250 руб этому человекувыберите правильный вариант ответа. 1) there are and paints in my backpack. a) any b) a c) some 2) are there on the desk? a) some b)a c) any 3) i’d like to buy backpack. a) a b)any c)some 4) there pair of old glasses on the table. a) was b)were 5) i (not pay) much money for this book. a)not pay b)didn’t pay c)didn’t paid 6) physics favourite subject. a)are b)is c)am 7)when i was a pupil, i )maths well. a)do b)did c)does 4. vocabulary. выберите правильный вариант. 1)linda has got a very good paintings. a)collect b)collection c)collector 2)jeremy is really good at computer studies. i’m proud . a)of b)with c)at 3)don’t lie. i wasn’t there at five. a)speak b)say c)tell d)talk 4)our classes we can go home. a)for b)over c)from 5)grace doesn’t well. a)speak b)talk c)say d)tell 6)i hope i will talk learning chinese. it can help him in the future. a)back b)into c) out of d)over 7)i don’t understand the programme. let’s talk it a)into b)over c)out of d)back 8) listen! this is my favourite music. a) piece b)pair c)couple 9)my sisters like to the latest films. a)say b)talk c)speak d)tell 10)never talk your grandparents. a)into b)out of c)over d) back

sabr1nka sabr1nka    1   30.09.2019 18:20    2

duyquhuseynli11 duyquhuseynli11  09.10.2020 06:12
1. some
2. any
3. a
4. was
5. didn t paid
6. is
7. do

1. collection
2. of
3. tell
4. over
5. speak
6. into
7. back
8. couple
9. talk
10. over
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