Если бы я был на твоем /вашем месте, то...
Дайте совет друзьям. Например

eugenetroyan eugenetroyan    2   16.04.2020 19:18    1

Nastya348624 Nastya348624  13.10.2020 09:40

2. If I were you , I'd clean my room myself.

3. If I were you,I' d do morning exercise every day.

4. If I were you,I'd eat more fruit and vegetables.

bandit12341 bandit12341  13.10.2020 09:40

If I were you, I’d help that poor old woman carrying heavy bags.

If I were you, I’d definetely study for my exams rather than going to the party with my friends.

If I were you, I’d apologize to her and cheer her up.

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