Еще разок! 1. this is а. at all; б. quite; в.also; г. too 2. robert's from new а. doesn't he? б. does he? в. is he? г.isn't he? 3. i have been vorking aii this year! а. hard; б. hardly; в. strongly; г.difficult 4.the ship а. next morning; б. the last morning; в. last morning; г.in the last morning большое, большое !

3837268 3837268    1   21.07.2019 20:50    1

razum3466 razum3466  19.08.2020 15:17
1. Б - not quite right устойчивое выражение
2. Г - is from... isn`t?
3. А - work hard
4. А - остальные не подходят просто
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