english phrases from the text with their russian equivalents. подберите эквиваленты к
(~) an overweight woman ~ женщина с избыточным весом
(~) moment of mistaken identity ~ момент ошибочной идентификации
(~) something altogether different ~ нечто совсем иное
(~) becomes fatter ~ набирать вес
(~) from very underweight to obese ~ от маленького веса (недостатка) к ожирению
(~) across cultures ~ в разных культурах
(~) a similar experiment ~ аналогичный эксперимент
(~) associate professor of cognitive neuroscience ~ общество профессоров когнитивной нейробиологии
(~) children with the heaviest parents and peers ~ дети с полными родителями и сверстниками
(~) personal embarrassment ~ личное препятствие(помеха)
(~) a glimpse of the brain ~ вспышка активности мозговой деятельности
the words from the text and their synonyms. подберите к данным словам
(~) gym ~ fitness center
(~) brain ~ intellect, mind
(~) mistake ~ error, fault
(~) training ~ study
(~) everyday ~ daily
(~) state ~ situation, standing
(~) disorder ~ frustration, upset
(~) private ~ personal, individual
(~) foolproof ~ simple, onefold, dolly, low-tech
(~) fat ~ thick, stout, fleshy, heavy, puffy
the halves of the sentences. соедините половины
(~) while a person’s hands were resting on his waist, his wrist tendons were stimulated to create a sensation that they were moving inward — …~… to feel, in other words, as if his waist were shrinking.
(~) scientists are only now beginning to understand the complicated process in which the brain (in particular, the posterior parietal cortex) integrates signals…~…from all the senses to form our body images.
(~) the tendency for people to underestimate their body sizes, according to studies in the united states, canada, europe and elsewhere, is…~… remarkably consistent across cultures and age groups
(~) this happens when someone touching his own nose with closed eyes…~… has his biceps stimulated to feel as if his forearm is moving forward.
(~) when asked to describe their own body, nearly 70 percent of the overweight and obese children…~…chose a slimmer silhouette.
(~) because our bodies change over time …~… the brain must constantly adjust its perception.
(~) “the relative size of our body parts needs to be continuously updated or recalibrated,” said henrik ehrsson, …~… lead author of the study, now associate professor of cognitive neuroscience at the karolinska institute in stockholm.
(~) it is also possible that a few extra pounds isn’t …~… an urgent priority for the brain to acknowledge.
(~) now that health officials estimate that two out of every three adults in the united states …~… are overweight, future generations may not see the difference, either.
the sentences with the words given below. подставьте слова в
(~) as i was walking through the gym the other day, i caught a glimpse of an woman across the room. ~ overweight
(~) look at a group of and see if you can choose which one matches your body. ~ silhouettes
(~) many of us are surprised by our size when reflected in the mirror or a — it’s like thinking that a recording of your own voice sounds off. ~ store window
(~) for both sensations to be true, the brain decides that the nose must be ~ growing
(~) in the meantime, they certainly know that the brain’s body-perception center isn’t ~ foolproof
(~) notably, a who were at a healthy weight described themselves as being underweight. ~ sizable minority
(~) in a recent study, 3,665 children and adolescents in were given a series of silhouettes showing body sizes ranging from underweight to obese. ~ quebec
(~) the relative size of our body parts needs to be continuously updated or ~ recalibrated
(~) we have entered a collective __ about how big we’re