English is speaking all over the world now.Passive Voice

I Укажите названия времени, в котором употреблены глаголы, и переведите их на русский язык.

1. was being sent 5. are sent

2. will be sent 6. will have been sent

3. are being sent 7. had been sent

4. has been sent 8. were sent

II. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме.

The book …printed last year.

The letter … written by next week.

When he came the guests … entertained by Natalie.

The dress … made already.

The mail … sent by seven a.m. yesterday.

Many rules … explained to the pupils every day.

She … promised a new toy tomorrow.

The document … signed at the moment.

III. Задать во к предложениям.

America was discovered by Columbus.

The guests were being served when we came.

Two his books have been published this year.

They will be met in the airport.

She is looked after by her sister.

IV. Поставить предложения в пассивный залог.

They offer tourists an interesting trip.

Mr. Brown has just dictated a letter to his secretary.

He is packing his suitcase now.

They will have signed the contract by tomorrow.

They bought a new doll to their daughter.

V. Переведите только глаголы.

Эти письма посылали, когда я вошел.

Много писем посылается каждый день.

Они отправят письмо к новому году.

Это письмо сейчас отправляется.

Письмо отправлено до того, как вы приехали.

VI. Переведите на русский язык.

The letter had been written before he called.

When I came, the dinner was being made.

Passengers will be offered dinner during the flight.

His report is always listened to with great interest.

Many books have been translated into English.

VII. Образуйте две пассивные конструкции из одной активной.

Father promised Natalie a new car.

He offered Sasha a trip to Washington.

Margaret paid a lot of money to him.

VIII. Перевести на английский язык.

Телевизор купили на неделе.

Им позвонили из Америки.

Телеграмму пошлют завтра.

Ей предложили интересную поездку.

Мне посылают факсы каждый день.

IX. Поставить предложения в активном или пассивном залоге.

The work (do) by 6 p.m. yesterday.

Where Atlanta (locate)?

They (send) the letter tomorrow.

All the money (pay) already.

Tim (pay) for his mistake.

Who (use) a new car at the moment?

I (ask) many questions by my friend after the lesson.

I think he (find) the address already.

The book (write) by Hardy.

Four people (kill) in a train crash.

X. Исправить ошибки в предложениях.

Yuri Dolgoruki founded Moscow in 1147.

The letters are written at the moment.

Have the letters being posted?

Nylon used to make things.

A new school will built in our street next year.

memasov memasov    3   20.02.2020 21:29    12

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