En with you
2 * Complete the sentences with the words
from Exercise 1.
1 There's a swimming pool at the hotel, so don't
forget to take your swimming costume
2 I always put some water in my
take it with me when I go somewhere.
3 I forgot to take
and now my skin is
4. Can you use
please? I don't want to
hear your music.
5 You don't need to take
to the hotel. They always have some in the
bathroom, so you can wash your hair.
6 Where's the
? The battery is running
7 I cut my finger. Where's the
8 You need to show your
arrive in a new country.
9 I don't believe it. I brought toothpaste, but I didn't
bring a
10 We've got too many clothes. The
isn't big enough for all of them.
when you

ребята надо пока училка не зашла в класс,не знаю как сделать​

рахима5Е рахима5Е    3   10.02.2021 10:45    3

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