
if someone asks you what the highest mountains in europe are, your answer will probably be "the alps". however, the highest mountains are the caucasus. they are also unique in mineral resources, flora and fauna. this mountain range includes five peaks at over 5,000 meters above sea level. the most famous one is majestic elbrus.

like many other high mountains elbrus is a volcano, scientists have

found some marks of its volcanic activity on the southern side of the mountain. fortunately, elbrus turned into a sleeping volcano long ago - it hasn't been active for 2500 years.

researchers are not sure about the origin of the name of the highest european mountain. some say that the name elbrus means "high mountain" in persian. there is also a suggestion that the name has georgian origin und means *icy storm'. anyhow, the mystery of the mountain's name is not solved vet.

at the foot of the mountain there is snow and ice all the year round. in july, the warmest month, the temperatures are only about zero. in february it is really cold. it never rains in the elbrus region but it often snows. local residents say that clouds at the top of the mountain are a sign of stormy and snowy weather.

in the 19th century, people made the first attempts to climb elbrus, a group of russian explorers went up the mountain in 1829. the aim of the expedition was to define the height of the mountain. but due to the stormy weather they couldn't to the very top. several later attempts to get there failed too. only in 1913, explorers managed to measure elbrus' real height, it is 5642 meters above sea level.

elbrus has a unique cable car system. it was built on the southern side of the mountain in the 20th century. the cable car system reaches a height of 3,658 metres, from there, most climbers take the standard route up the southern side to the peak. climbing up elbrus is not an easy task even for professional climbers. the standard route is challenging due to the snow, strong winds and height of the mountain.

elbrus has been a popular resort since the 1930s. in winter it is good for skiers and in summer for hikers and climbers. a lot of hotels and restaurants were built to accept the thousands of tourists who visit the peak each year. to protect the unique flora and fauna of the region prielbrusye national park was founded. the park is divided into three zones. one of the zones is strictly protected and is open only to scientists. the tourists who visit the other two zones should be very careful and observe the rules of the park.

in 2008 elbrus was called one of the seven of russia. the wonderful land of high snowy peaks surrounded hy old forests, peaceful lakes. and wild rivers has always inspired artists and poets. pushkin and mikhail lermontov, the famous russian poets, devoted many wonderful poetic lines to elbrus. modern writers and poets glorify the amazing elbrus views too. the alps arc higher than the greater caucasus.

1) true

2) false

3) started ответ:

3.3 scientists think elbrus will become active again.

1) true

2) false

3) not stated


scientists argue about what the meaning of the mountain's name is.

1) true

2) false

3) not


if there is cloud at the top of elbrus, it signals heavy rain.

1) true

2) false

3) not stated



the real height of the mountain was only measured in the 20th century.

1) truc

2) false

3) not stated



tourists can get to the top of elbrus by cable car.

1) true

2) false

3) not stated



there ure places at national park which tourists cannot visit.

1) true

2) false

3) not stated



every year a poetry festival takes place in the elbrus region.

1) true

2) false

3) not stated


ewgexaymnik ewgexaymnik    2   18.12.2019 22:57    130

Ясомолётик Ясомолётик  09.01.2024 21:51
3.3. Ученые считают, что Эльбрус снова станет активным.
ОТВЕТ: 2) false

Ученые спорят о том, что означает имя горы Эльбрус.
ОТВЕТ: 1) true

Если наблюдается облако на вершине Эльбруса, это сигнализирует о сильных дождях.
ОТВЕТ: 2) false

Действительная высота горы была измерена только в 20 веке.
ОТВЕТ: 1) true

Туристы могут добраться на вершину Эльбруса на канатной дороге.
ОТВЕТ: 1) true

В национальном парке есть места, к которым туристы не имеют доступа.
ОТВЕТ: 1) true

Каждый год в регионе Эльбруса проходит поэтический фестиваль.
ОТВЕТ: 2) false
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