Education includes different kinds of learning experiences. In its broadest sense we consider education to be the ways in which people learn skills, gain
knowledge and understanding about the world and about themselves. One useful
scheme for discussing education is to divide these ways of learning into two types:
informal and formal.
Informal education involves people in learning during their daily life. For
example, children learn their language simply by hearing and by trying to speak
themselves. In the same informal manner, they learn to dress themselves, to eat
with good manners, to ride a bicycle or to make a telephone call. Education is also
informal when people try to get information or to learn skills on their own
initiative without a teacher. To do so, they may visit a book shop, library or
museum, watch a television show. They do not have to pass tests or exams.
We consider formal education to be the instruction given at different kinds
of schools, colleges, universities. In most countries, people enter a system of
formal education during their early childhood. In this type of education, the people
decide what to teach. The learners study those things with the teachers at the head.
Teachers expect learners to come to school regularly and on time, to work at about
the same speed as their classmates, and to pass tests and exams. Learners have to
pass the exams to show how well they have progressed in their learning. At the end
of their learning, learners may earn a diploma, a certificate, or a degree as a mark
of their success over the years.
The school system of all modern nations provides both general and
vocational education. Most countries also offer special education programs for
gifted or for physically or mentally handicapped children. Adult education
programmers are provided for people who wish to take up their education after
leaving school. Most countries spend a large amount of time and money for formal
education of their citizens.
General education aims at producing intelligent, responsible, well-
informed citizens. It is designed to transmit a common cultural heritage rather
than to develop trained specialists.
Almost all elementary education is general education. In every country,
primary school pupils are taught skills they will use throughout their life, such as
reading, writing, and arithmetic. They also receive instruction in different
subjects, including geography, history, etc. In most countries almost all young
people continue their general education in secondary schools.
The aim of vocational education is primarily to prepare the students for a
job. Some secondary schools specialize in vocational programs. Technical
schools are vocational secondary schools, where students are taught more
technical subjects, such as carpentry, metalwork, and electronics. Technical
school students are required to take some general education courses and
vocational training. Universities and separate professional schools prepare

students for careers in such fields as agriculture, architecture, business,
engineering, law, medicine, music, teaching, etc.

Look throw the text about general and vocational education and find in the texts
English equivalents for these words and word combinations:
в широком смысле, обучаются навыкам, получают знания, о себе, полезная
схема, пути обучения, официальный, неофициальный,
повседневная жизнь, например, слушая, стараясь, с хорошими манерами,
ездить на велосипеде, звонить по телефону, по их собственной инициативе,
книжный магазин, сдавать экзамены, в большинстве стран, раннее детство,
кто отвечает (в j ответственности), во главе, вовремя, с приблизительно
одинаковой скоростью, одноклассники, должны сдавать экзамены, степень,
оценка их успеха, одаренные дети, дети с физическими или умственными
недостатками, обучение для взрослых, продолжить после окончания
школы, большое количество денег, граждане, общее образование,
профессиональное образование, ставит целью, умный, ответственный,
хорошо информированный, передавать общее культурное наследство,
больше чем, подготовленные специалисты, начальное образование, на
протяжении всей жизни, средние школы, профессиональные программы,
плотничное дело, слесарное дело, профессиональная подготовка,
отдельный, техника, юриспруденция.
Find in the texts the words, which have the similar meanings as the following
to contain, to believe, the means, to study, to get, a kind, to talk, data^| various, to
be responsible for, a diploma, to want, to continue;
Find in the texts the words, which have the opposite meanings \ to the following
informal, narrow, bad, different, the beginning, old, to give up, small, before.

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