EDUCATION IN THE USA In the United States, education is offered from kindergarten to graduate
school by both public and private institutions. Elementary and secondary education
involves 12 years of schooling, the successful completion of which leads to a high
school diploma. Education is free and compulsory in all states from the age of 6 till
16 (or 18).
There are three types of schools in the USA: public , private and home
schools. Most children go to public schools. These schools are run by the
government. The families who want their children to study in the private
schools must pay tuition . Some families choose not to send their children to
school at all. They educate them at home. Parents hire teachers for their own
children and they believe that this way of studying is the best one because
children study at home.
At 6 children begin the first year of elementary school, which is called
grade 1 Grades from 1 to 5 make up elementary school. Middle school consists of
grades from 6 to 8 High school has last grades from 9 to 12th years of studying.
The American high school offers a wide variety of courses. In the same
school a student can specializes in economics, in chemistry and physics, Latin and
humanities, or in automobile mechanics. During the four-year high school program
the student studies 4 or 5 major subjects per year. In addition the students usually
have classes in physical education, music and art. The first two years (9-th and 10-
th grades) are a continuation of secondary education. Then (11-th and 12-th grades)
a student begins an intensive study of his special field.
When children have completed the 12th grade they receive a high school
diploma. At this point students may end their formal education or go to the
colleges. At college the student will even tually specialize in one area of study such
as Mathematics, Sci ence , History, Literature, Theol ogy , Computer or a Foreign
Language. At the end of four years of studying he or she will earn a Bachelor degree. The student who wants to continue his (her) education after college may
work to earn a Master's or doctoral de gree . A student may also choose to enter a
professional school to prepare to be a doctor, teacher or a lawyer.
Exercise 2 Answer the questions:
1 What types of schools in the USA do you know?
2 Who pays for children’s education in public schools?
6 Who teaches children at home schools?
7 What stages of studying in private and public schools do you
8 What age do children start studying at private and public schools at?
9 Where can students go after a high school?
10 Where can student go after a college?
ответьте на вопросы

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