Eck and it was fantastic. We went to London by plane, it was a very nice journey. When we arrived we went ncredible ride and you can see the wh
Hello there, my name is Ewan, I'm from Scotland and Im 12 years old. I was in London with my family last
the hotel, which was marvelous, big and luxurious. The first thing we visited was the London Eye, it was an
which is the clock on Elizabeth tower, which is next to the houses of parliament. It is a beautiful clock and an
city when you are at 135 meters. After that we visited the Big Ben,
amposing tower but it is only 96 meters tall so it is smaller than the London Eye. Then we went to Hyde Park,
which is one of the most important parks in London. The park was colorful and lovely, there was even a lake.
There we saw Kensington Palace and the princess Diana memorial fountain. Later we went to Buckingham
Palace, where the Queen lives, and we saw the changing of the guard, it was very exciting. Buckingham Palace
s enormous; it is way bigger than Kensington Palace. After that, we visited Trafalgar Square, which is more
mportant than Leicester Square, because there you can find one of the most important museums, the National
Gallery and St Martin church. The National gallery sure is big, but I think the British museum is bigger and
personally, I it was the one I like the best. There you can find a lot of objects from all parts of the world and
from different ages, it is a really unfo ttable experience. Then we visited the tower of London, it was a
prison in the beginning but now they keep the Crown Jewels
. Next to it we saw Tower bridge, an impressive
suspension bridge, that has become one of the symbols of London and it is often confused with London bridge
which is longer that Tower bridge. Finally we went shopping in Oxford Street, the most important road in
London and Europe's busiest shopping street. To conclude the day we attended a football match in Stamfor
Bridge, and we saw Chelsea playing against Manchester United. In my opinion, Manchester is better the
Chelsea and one of the greatest teams in Europe. It was an extraordinary holiday, you should visit London a
see all the wonders this incredible city has.
1. Which is the first thing Ewan visited?
2. What is the name of Big ben Tower?
3. Where can you find Kensington alace?
4. Where does the Queen live?
5. Where can you find objects from all over the world and from different ages?
6. Where do they keep the Crown Jewels?
7. Why is Oxford Street famous for?

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