E: I have found the bus stop and I have giver
the book to the driver, but I haven't seen
b: Don't worry. I'm here.
k: Where have you been?
b: I was at the disco all the time. Somebody
had closed the door and I couldn't get out.
I fell asleep. When I woke up, the door was
open. I took a taxi and rushed to the
na: So nobody kidnapped you. It was a joke!
te: It wasn't a joke. Don't forget: somebody
closed the door.
ob: What has happened here? I don't
rk: You didn't come back from the disco with
us! Then somebody phoned and said: "If
you want to see Rob again - give us the
MacWizard history book." We gave them
the book.
ob: Oh, no! The book with the keys to the
ha: Yes, that book. But you're safe - it's the
most important thing!
ob: That's awful! We'll never find our family
treasure and it's my fault!
true or false.
Cute has saved Rob.