E.g. Tuesday 7 June. In Fergana the weather is nice. It's warm and sunny. The temperature is 20°-24º.
2c Report.
e.g. Today is Tuesday 7 June.
Here is the weather forecast
In Bukhara it is...
I can
1) I can talk about my favourite season. Я могу рассказать о любимом сезоне.
e.g. I like spring. The grass and trees are green. On the farms there are baby
2) I can talk about my summer holidays. Я могу рассказать о своих летник
каникулах. e.g. Last summer my parents and I went to the Black sea
3) I can talk about ѕресіаl dауѕ. Я могу говорить о специальных днях.
e.g. When is your birthday? My birthday is on the twenty-second of July.
4) I can say the months of a уеаr іn оrdеr. Я могу назвать месяцы года по
порядке. е.g. January, February...
5) I can ask and say what people do when it's hot/warm/cool/cold/freezing
Я могу спросить и сказать, что делают люди, когда погода жаркая/теплая/
прохладная/холодная/морозная. е.g. I put on my coat/stay at home/gо fоr wall
6) I can tell what the weather is like in different parts of a day.
Я могу сказать, какая погода в разные части дня.
e.g. In the morning the weather is nice. A cool wind blows.
7) I can talk about the weather and temperature in Uzbekistan and Engla
Я могу говорить о погоде и температуре в Узбекистане и Англии.
e.g. What's the weather like in Kokand? It's sunny. It's hot. The temperature i
and covhow ele feel about be weather