Джон (John) рассказывает про свой дом. Закончи его фразы, используя местоимения our, him, its, their, my, his, us. My parents and I live in England. cottage is not big but it is very cosy. roof is brown.
My room is nice and comfortable. sofa is in front of the door.
My parents’ bedroom is upstairs. bed is by the window.
My dad is in the garage now. He is washing car.
We have a big house. Our parents live with .
Tom is in the garden. Give this sandwich.

3. Вставь правильно предлог: In or On?
1. We have a big cinema our street.
2. What can you see this beautiful picture?
3. The cat is sleeping the sun.
4. I like this new carpet the floor.

4.Вставь в слова пропущенные буквы.
My father has a c_mfortable a_mchair.
We have a lot of cupbo_rds in the k_tchen.
Sue has a beautiful carp_t in the mid_le of her room.
We can see a c_sy living room d_wnstairs.
How m_ny book_ases do you have upstairs?

marfmelov marfmelov    3   12.12.2020 08:38    379

Popopoghdhz Popopoghdhz  11.01.2021 08:39
Our ; its ; my ; their ; his ; us ; him

On ; in ; on ; on

o ; r
a ; i
e ; d
o ; o
a ; c

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Хорошего вечера!
daaanila2015 daaanila2015  11.01.2021 08:39
1)Our, its, our, their, his, us, him.
2)In, on, on, on
3)o, r, a, i, e, d, o, o, a, c.
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