Джейн была на каникулах в лондоне и написала об этом в своём дневнике. прочитай её рассказ с пропусками. выбери правильный вариант ответа (а, ь) и впиши в пропуски соответствующую букву. (0) уже сделано в качестве примера. "friday, 3rd august i'm in london! it's my (0) visit to london. london is great! it is the (1) city in the world. and it is the (2) city. today we (3) to visit the (4) museum in great britain, the british museum. in the (5) we want to go boating in hyde park. saturday, 4th august today we have (6) to kensington palace. (7) princess in the world diana, princess of wales lived there. there is a wonderful children's (8) near the palace. my friends (9) fun there now. and i (10) some words in my diary. tomorrow we (11) to visit london zoo. i can’t (12) to go there. 0. a) one b) first 1. a) best b) better 2. a) more beautiful b) most beautiful 3. a) are going b) is going 3. a) bigger b) biggest 4. a) afternoon b) weekend 5. a) were b) been 6. a) more famous b) the most famous 7. a) classroom b) playground 8. a) are having b) have had 9. a) is writing b) am writing 10. a) go b) are going 11. a) wait b) hope
a,b(там в одном предложении 2 пропуска)