Дуже швидко, ів Look at the sentences about a visit to a festival. Read the text to decide if each sentence is correct
(C) or incorrect (I).
Tip: The sentences are in the some order os the onswers mh the text First, read the sentences, then scan the text tc find the answer to the first sentence. Repeat this for the rest of the sent m
! The carnival started in the seventeent! 6 The competition is very importont for
cemury. BrazHians.
2 Over two million people teke part in each ? The writer's costume looked like a humming
parace bird
3 The writer sow more than two famous 8 The writer danced in the porace for two
places on the joummey from the airport nights

s The porodes take place on only two nights 9 The music was louder thon the spectoctors *
but carnival is longer 10 Beija-flor didn't win the competition
5 The sambe school porodes are in o football

vikagalcenko4 vikagalcenko4    1   30.05.2023 16:42    1

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