Дуже потрiбно) треба поставити: s,'s або s' замiсть дефiсiв в кiнцi iменникiв: 1.) this is a new edition of pushkin-poem-/ 2.) that man was vera- and kate- old teacher- of music 3.) those were nick- and kate- parent-. 4.) we spent a week- holiday at the barton-. 5.) we spent a two week- holiday with the barton-. 6.) the book is neither john- nor mary-. 7.) i haven't touched a single book of john-. 8.) father took some money from his pocket and put it into my younger brother-.
2.) That man was Vera and Kate's old teacher of music
3.) Those were Nick and Kate's parents.
4.) We spent a week's holiday at the Bartons'.
5.) We spent a two weeks' holiday with the Bartons.
6.) The book is neither John's nor Mary's.
7.) I haven't touched a single book of John's.
8.) Father took some money from his pocket and put it into my younger brother's.