20 mmutes
Task 1 Watch the video and try to remember as imich information as you can.
hlips youtube com watch me gIGIWI
Underlime mhal mgredients are used to make English Breakfast in the video?
Bacon Sausages Fried ouions Black Pudding Tomatoes Potatoes
Eggs Baked beans Musluoouse Toast Keichup
82282292 281
Task 1. Read the story and decide if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE? Explain your
Frod comanies targetije kads online. Greedy marketing executives have found a new
21 of selline lite proucts to children Intender canes Tue resides jimk food makers are
trying to sell their burgen chocolate and soft drink to chulcüa who play zames online A new
TERiit says more than eighty percent of this world's food companies are using this sly rent
method The Teport was createn by America s 1. Satser Family Foundation. It is called It's Child's
Play Advergang and the Online Marketing of Food to Children It is the first major
analysis of hov food companies advertise to children on the Web. It highlights the taches of
companies such as Mars Harsheys and McDonalds in targeting kads. The report says online ads
ar nore etfective than IV ads at hooking children
Sadly the report brings a net word into the English vocabulary - the "advergane This
is a technique to get lods hooked v lule they are having fun online In addition many other
marketing tactics are used to get kids to spend long periods of nime online The food companies
fill the games with logos and advertisement. They encourage children to email their friends
about products and brands. They also recommend children join special chibs related to the
game. Cildren can increase theu chances of winning games by buying the products and typing