The metric system is used exclusively when ordering and prescribing drugs. The metric unit of weight is the gram (g) and this is divided into thousandths called milligrams (mg).

The unit of volume is the liter (l) which is subdivided into thousandths called milliliters (ml). A liter is equivalent to just under two pints. The standard medicine teaspoon holds 5 ml.

Various reference books are available to help practitioners keep up to date with new drugs, the trade names of drugs, dosages and precautions with particular drugs. Manufacturers are also legally required to provide data sheets for all new drugs, giving full details of usage.

Drugs may be administered externally or internally.

Drugs are classified into groups which have a specific action, such as antibacterial drugs, which are used for the treatment of infections, or local anesthetics, which abolish pain. Some drugs belong to more than one group. For example, lignocaine, which is local and surface anesthetic. Let's take antibacterial drugs as an example.

They are administered internally to kill bacteria.

Antibiotics are drugs originally derived from microorganisms: for example, penicillin, tetracycline, and erythromycin. Many people are allergic to penicillin and

its derivatives. If such people are given any of these drugs they are liable to develop a dangerous reaction. Patients must always be asked beforehand if they are allergic to penicillin or any other drugs.

There are strict legal requirements for the purchase, storage, use, identification, dispensing and prescription of drugs.

Many drugs are poisonous if taken accidentally or in excess; others caustic and may cause painful burns. Some common sense precautions in storing drugs are to keep them well away from food and drinks; keep poisons locked up in a special poisons cabinet; and to keep caustics on the lowest shelf where accidental spillage cannot affect the eyes or burn the face.

Stocks of drugs must be stored in accordance with manufacturers' instructions and not kept beyond their expiry date. Records of their purchase, supply and expiry date must be kept for at least 11 years. Any drugs which have passed their expiry date should be discarded, together with any solutions which have become discolored or cloudy.

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