Down: 1. What makes your body parts move?
2. Doing something by yourself.
3. Use your
to kick a ball.
6. Running and swimming are good for your
7. In winter we spend much time
the skating rink.
8. It is a sport with rackets.
11. You use your
to throw a ball.
13. What are you complaining
даю 5звёзд и сердечко и самый лучший ответ
1.The brain sends signals via the nervous system, including the spinal cord and nerves, to the muscles. The muscles then contract to create movement. Our muscles work in conjunction with tendons and joints, which help your muscles move your skeletal bones to accomplishmovement.
2. When we think about doing something, then our brain sends signals to the muscles and then with the help of muscles we can do something, for example, we can walk or run.
3. The first, ww start thinking about to kill a ball and then our brain thinks in what movement to take a leg and then we kick a ball. It's also about brain signals and legs muscles.
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