Доповніть речення запропонованими дієсловами в часі Present Perfect або Past Simple.
Be,go,go,not see,spend,take,visit,visit,watch
__you ever___abroad?
yes i __ the USA last summer with my family.
what ___it like?i __never__to America.
Really interesting. We___
a week in New York. we__
a boat trip round Manhattan and we__a basketbal game at Madison Square Garden.
Cool!___you___ the Empire State
Yes, but it was foggy so we__much!

ГюнтерСтингерсон ГюнтерСтингерсон    3   15.04.2021 13:29    129

umsynaiamirova umsynaiamirova  27.01.2024 13:06
Have you ever been abroad?
Yes, I went to the USA last summer with my family.
What was it like? I had never been to America.
Really interesting. We spent a week in New York. We took a boat trip round Manhattan and we watched a basketball game at Madison Square Garden.
Cool! Did you visit the Empire State Building?
Yes, but it was foggy so we didn't see much!
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