Дополните предложения так, чтобы глаголы, данные в скобках, выражали 1) действия происходящего в данный момент времени, 2) регулярно повторяющегося действия, 3) действий, следующих одно за другим. Переведите предложения (Use Present Simple or Present Progressive)

1. Where you usually (to sit) at the lessons? I (to sit) at the first desk. you (to sit) at the first desk now? No, I (not to sit). I (to sit) at the second desk with my friend. 2. When he (to have) breakfast? He (to have) breakfast at 8 o’clock. he (to have) breakfast now? Yes, he (to have). He (to put) butter on a piece of bread and (to drink tee). 3. My mother usually takes a bus after work. she (to take) a bus today? No, she (not to take), she (to walk).

Milanaмилана Milanaмилана    3   01.06.2020 12:07    62

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