Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в форме present simple boil cost see know mean go like wash use believe · water 100 degrees celsius. · shoes are expensive. they lot of money. · brian lives near us but we very often. · i about politics. i'm not interested in it. · what word · how often the library? · the children usually . · peter hair twice a week. · my car petrol. · it is not true! i .

Pyli03032004 Pyli03032004    2   30.05.2019 05:10    2

milanaegorova90 milanaegorova90  29.06.2020 22:17
· Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
· Shoes are expensive. They cost a lot of money.
· Brian lives near us but we see him very often.
· I know much about politics. I'm not interested in it.
· What does this word mean?
· How oftendo you go to the library?
· The children usually like chocolate.
· Peter washes his hair twice a week.
· My car uses much petrol.
· It is not true! I don't believe it.
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