Дополнить диалог. robert: pat, may i introduce someone to you? this is dasha, she wants to work with us for the rap. pat: hello, dasha. dasha: hello, pat! nice to meet you, too. pat: dasha: petrova. that`s p-e-t-r-o-v-a. pat: dasha: no, i`m not. i`m russian. pat: dasha: i`m from moscow. pat: dasha: i`m fourteen. pat: dasha: yes, i am. i am working as a journalist for our schol magazine.
Pat: Hello, Dasha. Nice to meet you.
Dasha: Hello, Pat! Nice to meet you, too.
Pat: What is your surname? Spell it, please.
Dasha: Petrova. That`s P-E-T-R-O-V-A.
Pat: Are you French?
Dasha: No, I`m not. I`m Russian.
Pat: Where are you from?
Dasha: I`m from Moscow.
Pat: How old are you?
Dasha: I`m fourteen.
Pat: Are you working now?
Dasha: Yes, I am. I am working as a journalist for our school magazine.